Our Portmoak

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Our Portmoak: Uncovering Stories from the Past

3D-Photogrammetry reveals the secrets of two memorial stones

The Portmoak Stone was discovered in 1976 on the site of the former parish church of Portmoak by the old shore-line of Loch Leven, the Portmoak Stone is a thousand-year-old Celtic Cross-slab. It is now located in the parish church above Scotlandwell. The sandstone cross is decorated with fine interlacing, but the 3D photography also indicates the presence of other imagery, possibly depicting angels or Biblical scenes.

Portmoak Cross-slab by Mike Arrowsmith on Sketchfab

The Michael Bruce Memorial. In the churchyard at Portmoak Parish Church stands a classical-style memorial marking the site where the poet Michael Bruce (1746-67) was buried. Erected in 1842, the memorial incorporates the original much smaller burial stone which is identified using 3D photography.


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Kinross (Marshall) Museum Trust is a recognised Scottish Charitable Trust. Charity No. SC027144